Heart Health Month etc.

74901-tests-on-shaklee-life-planSo, with Valentines day approaching, it is appropriate to think about the living heart within each of us and not just the paper hearts printed on cards.  The heart is so important to us and yet we tend to take it for granted and don’t always realize that there are so many ways that we can keep it healthy for us.  I was recently listening to a heart health talk: http://images.shaklee.com/library/mp3/200902Hotline65043/0209_ST_Heart_Health_Month.mp3  (I hope that link works for you!)  As you may have just read in my weight loss and maintenance musing post:  https://nourishinglivesblog.wordpress.com/2017/02/01/weight-maintenance-musings-from-2016/

I value my healthy weight.  However, I began that journey simply because I wanted to return to the size I had been at a younger age, not because I realized how GOOD it would be for my health.  After listening to the “Heart Health Month” talk above, I understand better how obesity compromises the health of our heart.  That heart works hard for us every day of our life.  It really only seems right to do our best at making healthy choices that benefit our heart.

That brings me to the next thing I want to share:  Shaklee HEALTHPRINT.  If you haven’t already taken advantage of this tool to help you assess where you are with your health and what is important to you about your health, then take a few minutes to take your unique HEALTHPRINT today:  https://frankandana.myshaklee.com/us/en/healthprint

It really gets you thinking about your energy level, your stress level, your sleep, diet, and exercise, so that you can look at all aspects of your health and start working on what needs most attention.  We are all special, unique, individual beings.  All different aspects go together to make up our current health.  We might get overwhelmed with where to start, so the HEALTHPRINT helps you assess where you are, so that you can have a better idea of where you would like to be and tools and information that can help you achieve your health goals.  Shaklee knows that everyone’s inclination and budget is not the same, so they have put together different options so that you can get started, even if you don’t have a lot of extra cash.  Think about the money we put into unhealthy things that we crave: donuts, sugary frappuccinos, fast food.  What could you do for your health if you cut out one or two of those splurges each month?  And one great thing I love about Shaklee is that you can keep it simple and still do wonders for your health.  Yes, there are full spectrum products that really are the “Cadillac” but there are also solid, basic products that will  amaze you.  The difference is truly life changing when you see what changing your brand can do when it comes to Shaklee.  Honestly, VitaLea, Energizing Soy Protein, and OptiFlora Pre & Probiotic  are the basics and ideally, OmegaGuard for your Heart if you can. But before OptiFlora and OmegaGuard were part of Shaklee’s product line, I know people who had life changing results with VitaLea, Energizing Soy, and HerbLax.  For me, I started off  adding in their B-Complex, which I think I needed more of due to excess stress. Also, I just heard on the Heart audio above that Vitamin D3 is also a great way to help increase Heart Health, and at $8 (member price) for a 3 month supply, Shaklee’s is not only quality, but affordable.  The key is beginning with a reputable company that quality tests for purity and potency.  I’m not saying there isn’t another company out there with the same purity and potency, but I don’t know of any company that does more testing and simply put, with Shaklee, I know that what I am paying for is what I am getting.  I’m not playing Russian Roulette like I feel when Shaklee doesn’t carry a particular product.  And having found out “why” Shaklee doesn’t carry certain things, is just as telling for me.  They will not carry a product just because another company does.  They only carry products that there is some solid, proof that it is necessary and beneficial to the human body.  For instance, they won’t carry just “B12” because B vitamins are NEVER found in nature in isolation.  They are always found in combination with other B vitamins.  So, Shaklee carries them in this natural “complex.”   Think about it, there is a reason to stay true to nature.  Also, Shaklee will not sell anything that our body makes on its own, like hormones.  Shaklee is not there to just produce what they think people will buy.  It is a company that believes in only producing products that really support the body in its own amazing abilities.  If our food and water supplies were not so depleted and contaminated, our bodies wouldn’t struggle so much to maintain health.  Discovering what Shaklee is and what Shaklee offers, I truly believe to be a blessing from God.  I simply want to share that blessing with as many people as I can.  If you have health issues that you want to address.  I may not have an answer immediately, but I am more than willing to help. You can contact me and  I will look for resources and/or help you look over your HEALTHPRINT.  One great resource we offer is a website with Health talks and presentations on a wide range of health topics done by others who know and use Shaklee.  You might just find what you need there…. http://betterhealthin31days.com/frankandana .   Most off all, know that I care.  heartsmart











































































































One response to “Heart Health Month etc.”

  1. Now Shaklee has Meology which is actually a big improvement in the real direction of personalized nutrition.


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