April 7th “Better Than Before” Show


I am listening to the interview that Roger Barnett had yesterday on the Jane Wilkens Michael Show:  Better Than Before.  I’m listening to it from a link that I got from a Facebook post.  I may be able to share that through Facebook (though I am not a Facebook expert) but it is very interesting, so I just wanted to share it with you in maybe an easier way to access.  I had to download the iHeart app and then create an iHeart account, but I just realized that the interview has been added to the Health Talks section of our Better Health website and that will make it so much easier to access.  And since one of my goals for the first 100 days of 2016 (April 9th is Day 100 already!!!) was to share our website with at least 100 people.  I don’t think I have done a great job doing that, but this interview gives a pretty good overview of what our website is about and sharing it here may help make my goal a reality.  And this interview isn’t just about the ABC’s of vitamin supplementation, and a little background on the amazing company that Shaklee is, but also about relieving stress.  On that topic, one of the things that really hit home to me was what Roger Barnett said about how his family has implemented:  a technology Sabbath.  Wow!  As humans, if you want to live a more healthy life that is more in tune with the way that God intended,  I really do believe we need a technology Sabbath!  Many years ago I had an idea to keep the lights shut off on Sunday evenings, to just unplug from the extended day that electricity and artificial lighting had brought into our modern life experience.  That idea didn’t last long in practice.  But today, not just an extended period of “day time” is adding to our stress.  Gadgets: smartphones and computers, all centered around the Internet and powered by electricity, are keeping us “wired” in an increasingly unhealthy way and exposing us to more radiation than at any other time in history.  So please take some time to listen to this “Better Than Before” interview of Shaklee’s Amazing CEO, Roger Barnett…


And Have an Amazing Day!


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